Do you know these ten values attached to Tirupati?

The temple is situated at Tirumala in Andhra Pradesh are on the mountains. The temple is one of India's ancient and wealthiest temples. There are some interesting facts about this historic temple:-
a) There is a belief that the hair on the head of Lord Venkateshwara idol is his real hair. The hairs are always remains soft as natural hair.

b) The back of the statue of Balaji is always humid. The sound of the ocean can be heard, if you listen carefully.
c) You can see a stick on the left door of the temple. It has been said that Lord Venkateswara was hit on the chin by this stick in his childhood. That's why a mark of sandalwood paste can be seen on the chin of the idol.

d) When you are inside the temple, the idol seems to be at the centre. But, from outside it's seemed to be located towards the right corner.

e) The flowers used for worshiping will be never brought outside of the temple. These flowers are thrown in an small well that located behind the idol of Balaji.

f) The priest throws the flowers into the water fall keeping it behind him or facing forward as it is considered not good to see these flowers anymore.
g) On the chest of the Balaji, there is an image of Lakshmi Devi. Every Thursday Balaji is being ornamented with Sandalwood paste. While removing this Sandalwood the pattern of Lakshmi Devi is gained. It is kept for sale.

h) It is said that during the 18th century, the temple was closed for twelve years. During that time, body of twelve beheaded king were hung on the wall of the temple. It is believed that Lord Venkateswara was angry about the closing of the temple. So, He appeared and punished some bad people.
i) There is a lamp inside the temple that is burning year after year.

j) PchaiKrpurm, a statue of Balaji is made up of camphor. If it is rubbed on a simple stone, it’s become warmer in no time, but the image would not be affected.

tirupati temple
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