Chhinnamasta Temple – Rajrappa, Jharkhand

Chhinnamasta Temple devoted to Goddess Chinnamasta is a Hindu holy expedition spot and situated in Rajrappa, in Ramgarh region of Jharkhand. The temple magnetizes disciples from all regions of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.

The major magnetism of the Goddess Chhinnamasta (also widely known as Chinnamastika) place of worship is the crownless divinity of Goddess Chinnamasta which stands on the anatomy of Kamdeo and Rati in the lotus bed. The Chhinnamasta temple is famous for its magical style of structural design. Other than the central temple, there are 10 temples of different gods and goddesses like the Surya (Sun God), Hanuman and Lord Shiva.

The temple immortalizes the Goddess Chinnamasta (the decapitated Goddess Kali), one among the ten forms of the Goddess Durga. The sculpture displays the goddess carrying her own head in her left hand and her head taking in the blood dripping out of her neck. The headless statue of Goddess Chhinnamastika stands on the remains of Kamdeo and Rati in Lotus bed. A lot of smaller temples have been built nearby the major temple like the place of worship of Ashtamatrika and Dakshina Kali.

There is a large flock of people at the temple in the time of the night of full Moon and New Moon. Marriages are also celebrated here on a huge scale. The sculpture and structural design of Rajrappa temple abides similarity to that of the well-known Kamakhaya temple of Assam. In this spot, apart from the place of worship of Maa Kali, there subsist ten temples of different Gods and Goddesses like the Sun God and Lord Shiva. The hot water spring provides attractiveness to this temple and for the period of winter it turns into outing destination.

In the month of January an extraordinary fair is conducted here on the festival of Makar Sankranti and visited by millions of people. A fair is also conducted for the duration of the festival of Dussehra and visited by great number of people. Tourists take holy bath in the river.

Chhinnamasta Temple – Rajrappa, Jharkhand
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